Mood: The current mood of lovelygutz at

Mood: The current mood of lovelygutz at

Mood: The current mood of lovelygutz at

Mood: The current mood of lovelygutz at

Hello I am Mole :D I code till my brain hurts. I am an 18 year old girl who recently discovered that she in fact can learn how to code. I love nature, especially the dark grusome parts of it. I like those parts especially because I don't think that they're appreciated enough. Even though I like darker gothic things, I also love pink and shiny things and cute stuff like hello kitty.

I have a lovely husband and he inspires me and helps me when I get frustrated making this thing. We are not actually married yet but we will be soon...

I'm going to be going to school for a BSc in Psychology, hopefully to one day become a psychiatrist. It took me a long time to think about what I wanted to do, and I was even unsure when I picked psychology, but after choosing it I've become more fascinated with the human mind and all of its troubles.

all of me served to you on a silver platter.